Member Profile

August 12, 2019

Name: Shelby
Age: 23
Occupation: Artist/Student

Shelby has been training at Legion 13 Perth Hills over for 2 years and trains up to 5 sometimes more per week. Talk about going from zero to ten. She started, off at absolutely zero with no skills, knowledge, fitness and had no confidence. As, you read on you will find she has reached her 10! When first starting, she was known as the her Dads shadow and would hardly say a word. But, now with Shelby’s increased confidence she’s at the academy most days assisting with kids classes and growing in the person she needs, deserves and wants to be.

Shelby on left with some of the support team Laura and Sally

What brought you too Legion 13 & why Brazilian Jiu – Jitsu?

My Dad and Sister started a few months before me. I saw how it bettered their health and mental well-being. At the time I was struggling with depression, trauma and my health, food for me was a comfort and with that I put on a lot of weight. I have always disliked things too close to me especially men and I wanted to do something to challenge myself, to put me out of my comfort zone and force myself to improve, which in turn has improved with my day to day life and dealing with stresses.

How was your first ever class?

I had no idea what I had gotten myself into, before class I was shaking and I think I only got 2 words out to Mike. I remember being told that I was like my Dad’s shadow. It was a scary day for me but everyone made me feel welcome and comfortable and allowed me to grow more confident as time went on. I am so thankful to everyone there for their patience and support.

How has training at L13HILLS helped you?

I have gotten healthier, lost about 15-20 kg. I am more confident and willing to try things I never would of before and I’m not so afraid of things any more. I feel safe knowing that I am able to protect myself.

How does it feel to be finally be in the coloured belts?

It still feels unreal and there are days I forget that there is a blue belt around my waist or I start walking for the white belt line at the end of class. I am proud of my achievement but know I still have more to learn.

Any advice for people just getting started or new to Jiu Jitsu?

Just give it a go, it is going to be challenging but fulfilling. Everyone is friendly in their own way and willing to help as they remember being new and needing guidance

Unit 1 14-16 Stanhope Gardens, Midvale,
WA 6056 Australia

0433 356 559

#aspire #learn #grow