L13 Hills Class Action Cam: Lasso Half Guard

Any kind of lasso guard can be annoying and an extremely difficult guard to pass because of the dominant control by disabling the opponent’s posture. The lasso guard is an effective guard in itself. However, even if it’s not the athlete’s primary guard it can be used...

The Team Levelling up this December 2019

With a swelter of a day on Saturday we still had a huge turnout for a memorable adult’s end of year Rolls, BBQ and Beers.Congratulations to the juveniles and adults on some well-deserved and overdue promotions.Thinking of coming down and trying us out? It’s the last...

Tight Glutes & Hips? Try this stretch

As you get older stretching, flexibility and mobility in general, becomes more of a priority. It is a necessity for keeping you on the mats for the long term. We try to pass the importance of that onto our students here at L13HILLS at the beginning of their Jiu-Jitsu...

Member Profile

Name: ShelbyAge: 23Occupation: Artist/StudentShelby has been training at Legion 13 Perth Hills over for 2 years and trains up to 5 sometimes more per week. Talk about going from zero to ten. She started, off at absolutely zero with no skills, knowledge, fitness and...

Member Profile

Name: DeonAge: 33Occupation: Systems AdministratorDeon has been training at Legion 13 Perth Hills for 19 months and trains up to 4 times per week. He is like many of our members and is not a natural athlete by any means.When booking, for his first intro he did’nt even...